Adele & Anorexia
Created by Lauren 12 years ago
The entire point of this memorial page is to raise money for BEAT, a charity which helped our family more than words can say. Due to this aim, we feel it is important to share Adeles plight with Anorexia Nervosa - Something which ultimately took her from us.
Del was a beautiful girl, she was a happy and healthy child who knew how to smile and how to spread that joy to the world. As she grew up, she grew in compassion and always wanted to help others - Always going above and beyond for them. She did this before, and during, her illness. It was just in her nature.
Straight to the chase, Adele first got ill during year 8. She was bullied and called "fat", that one simple word said to her by one simple minded person sparked 4 years of constant struggle and eventually took her life - This is why we believe that people need to be more careful with the words that they choose. Del first started to excercise more, and then a little more, and then too much - Alot of people blame families in stories like this but there is not a chance on earth that we could have spotted it before we did it crept up so slowly.
Beautiful Del started to eat smaller portions and bit by bit stopped eating all together. Everyone else saw her skinny frame, she saw pockets of fat that needed to go. We begged her, pleaded with her to eat. She saw multiple therapists, Drs and proffesionals but none of them could help her. She got so clever at it, so crafty that she could fool people into thinking that she was eating.
When she got really sick, skeletal even, she was admitted to a treatment unit and fed through a nasogastric tube. Despite DR's best attempts it was too late, she went into cardiac arrest many times and eventually ressucitation failed. She had lost her battle.
I'll never, ever, forget being told that news. I was in just leaving year 9 - It was summer - My entire world crumbled. My beautiful, beautiful sister was taken from me so cruely. It would be so easy to be bitter - To be resentful. I don't have that in me, all I have is a burning passion to stop anyone else going through this. To stop this hurting anyone else. If raising money for BEAT can help to do that, then I would beg you please please give whatever you can to help them spread the money that this isn't the way to be. Rescue is possible.
If someone you know has an ED, or you think they have one, please stretch out your arm and offer a hand - Help them. One simple thing may save them, please stop this happening again.